
Showing posts from January, 2016

Neuroanatomy - Digital Anatomy Atlas


Human Anatomy Atlas 8 for iPad - Tutorial


PriscAquila Christian Resource Centre: On LAW and GRACE: Clearing the confusion and getti...

PriscAquila Christian Resource Centre: On LAW and GRACE: Clearing the confusion and getti... : On LAW and GRACE: Clearing the confusion and getting it right… ·          God designed LAW to RESTRAIN DISORDER but NOT to save from ...

On LAW and GRACE: Clearing the confusion and getting it right…

On LAW and GRACE: Clearing the confusion and getting it right… ·          God designed LAW to RESTRAIN DISORDER but NOT to save from sin. ·          God designed GRACE to SAVE FROM SIN but NOT to permit disorder. Ancient Jews mistook restraint of disorder to mean salvation from sin. Modern Church mistakes salvation from sin to mean permission of disorder. The LAW of Moses is God’s means for bringing RESTRAINED ORDER because it: ·          Commands by moral precepts. ·          Condemns by civil judgments. ·          Cleanses by ritual ceremonies. The GRACE of Christ is God’s means for bringing REGENERATED LIFE because it: ·          Enlightens us by the Truth. ·          Pur...

Hallelujah Chorus.
