
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Chapel of Grace UNIMAID Revival 2009 Ven Dr I U Ibeme



Romans created the name Palestine. Everybody in the Middle East right from the time of Romans was under the Roman province of Syria-Palestine. The British gave independence to Jews and Jordanians with River Jordan as the dividing line after the World War II. Many do not know that there were only Israel and Jordan before 1967. Noting like Palestine State initially. The Arabs on Israel side were mainly migrant labour force. Arabs did not want an Israel State to exist so when they could not annihilate Israel they took up the Palestinian tag after the 1967 war, just for political and strategic purposes to grab lands and turn the accusation of grabbing lands against Israel through propaganda of 22 Arab nations against a small Jewish state. Many think the Araba story is true not knowing that Arabs are using Taqqiya and antisemitism for propaganda. Israel is not fighting to occupy or grab but fighting to survive. Arabs want them annihilated but Israel wants Arabs to live side by side with

The Middle East Problem

Opinions and emotions about Israel cannot invalidate historical facts about their claims over Jerusalem. UN cannot arbitrarily determine boundaries by vote disregarding facts of history and agreements by the concerned parties. If an Israeli State is not forbidden for Palestinian Arabs,  why should a Palestinian State forbid Jews. That's unjust ethnic cleansing against Jews.