Denominations are partial witnesses often not without ulterior motives falsely presenting themselves as full true witnesses for Christ. Denominations are half-truths presuming to be the whole truth; they are often strange magnification of preferred or modified truth (or even outright falsehood) used to oppose and override another biblical truth. Christ and His Apostles prayed (John 17:10, 11, 20-24) and warned (Acts 20:26-34; 1John 2:19; Jude 1:19) against the Church splitting into denominations. Church Denominations are distinct forms of organised expressions of the Gospel of Christ’s Kingdom. They are groups of Churches united by same tradition and administration. In fact, Church denominations arose from agreements and disagreements about differences in forms of Church government and traditional basis for doctrine and practice as well as organisational allegiance . Three main forms of Church governments or administrations adopted by Church denominations and somewhat or partially de...
APOSTOLIC TRADITION OF CHRISTIAN HOLY MATRIMONY IN THE EARLY CHURCH Never mind the modern paganist rebellious rejection of Church Marriage and trendy falsification of Church history to the fallacy that Church Wedding is recent innovation. This is the biggest revisionist lie to be concocted by the present perverse generation. The goal of these lies and fabrications is demonically calculated to confuse the Church and revise Christian Marriage to make room for new legalizations to approve all kinds of freelance marriage abuses, sexual perversions and sexual promiscuity! Sadly, many Christians have unwittingly gulped in the tricky lie! The funny theologically naïve query of disingenuous demand for New Testament occasion of Church Wedding event is their most ignorant and ridiculous trump card, as if the New Testament is a book of programmes instead of a book of precepts. Soon they would claim that the Apostles did not have Church service, burial service, etc. The factual truth is that ...
THE PRAYER OF THE SAINTS: A Great Mystery. It is fascinating mystery to realise that when we (i.e. the Saints) pray we cooperate with God and the Angels in heaven to bring about God's special intervention on earth. One becomes a Saint when one is sanctified by faith in Jesus and through the propitiatory power in the blood of Jesus, Who is THE CHRIST of God and THE SAVIOUR of all. The Prayers of the Saints kindle fire on the heavenly golden censers and golden altar of incense!!! Revelation 5:8 (8) And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of saints. Revelation 8:3-4 (3) And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. (4) And the smoke of the ince...