An Introduction to Christian Head Covering
The Ancient Church had an Apostolic Custom or Tradition such that women veiled their head and men kept their head open during public worship (1Cor 11:16). This was based on the protocol of covering symbols of human glory while uncovering symbols of divine glory during corporate worship because of the angels. Culturally, we know that Jews and Romans worshipped with head covering for both men and women, while Greeks worshipped without head covering for both men and women. So, this was neither Jewish nor Roman, nor even Greek culture. Rather it was peculiar apostolic custom in the Church (1Cor 11:2,16) meant to conceal human glory and exhibit Divine Glory for authority and dignity before the Angels during Church’s messianic worship gatherings. It has nothing to do with submission to husbands or submission to slave masters or distinction between adults and minors or any other conjectures that are not found in the text and do not fit the context of this passage of Scripture.
God has set signs and symbols for this messianic Church order and apostolic Church LITURGICAL custom in view of presence of angelic host during corporate worship:
The man and the woman are the IMAGE of God (Gen. 1:27),
But the Man’s head symbolizes God’s GLORY (i.e. Christ 1Cor 11:3, 7),
Whereas the Woman’s head symbolizes Man’s GLORY (1Cor 11:3, 7),
The Woman’s long hair symbolizes Woman’s GLORY (1Cor 11:15).
Apostolic corporate worship protocol, because of Angels in attendance, is to cover symbols of human glory but uncover symbols of divine glory.