
Showing posts from June, 2022


CHURCH AND STATE RELATIONSHIPS  The Scriptures clearly identify both the Church (Eph 1:22-23) and the State (Rom 13:1-7) as divinely instituted but distinguishes them for different purposes that are both being corrupted and thwarted by human depravity. According to Nate Humphries, who was writing on Separation of Church and State in Pursuing Biblical Doctrine website:  ( “Relations between Church and State have been notoriously controversial throughout the Christian centuries. To oversimplify, four main models have been tried –  1. ERASTIANISM (the State controls the Church), contemporary example is Zaire where the State controls the Church, which Nigeria is tending to with CAMA 2020. 2. THEOCRACY (the Church controls the State), contemporary example is The Vatican or Iran where the Pope or Ayatollah controls the State.  3. CONSTANTINIANISM (the compromise in which the ...