The Scriptures clearly identify both the Church (Eph 1:22-23) and the State (Rom 13:1-7) as divinely instituted but distinguishes them for different purposes that are both being corrupted and thwarted by human depravity.

According to Nate Humphries, who was writing on Separation of Church and State in Pursuing Biblical Doctrine website: 

“Relations between Church and State have been notoriously controversial throughout the Christian centuries. To oversimplify, four main models have been tried – 

1. ERASTIANISM (the State controls the Church), contemporary example is Zaire where the State controls the Church, which Nigeria is tending to with CAMA 2020.

2. THEOCRACY (the Church controls the State), contemporary example is The Vatican or Iran where the Pope or Ayatollah controls the State. 

3. CONSTANTINIANISM (the compromise in which the State favours or defends the Church and the Church accommodates to the State in order to retain the State’s favour or protection) [also called Caesaropapism], as obtains in England and Wales, and

4. PARTNERSHIP (Church and State recognize and encourage each other's distinct God-given responsibilities in a spirit of constructive collaboration), as constituted in founding the United Sates of America.”

The fourth [instituted by American Founding Fathers, though it is now being revised against the Church] seems to accord best with Paul's teaching in Romans 13 and Christ’s teaching in Matt 22:17-21. Galio’s dictum in Act 18:14-15 also conforms with this truth.

*The TWO SWORDS of the CHURCH and the STATE*

“In the wider society under the sun, though the Church has mainly got this muddled up, God clearly indicates from the Scriptures, the propriety of the separation of *ministerial/pastoral* powers of the SPIRITUAL SWORD from *magisterial/princely* powers of the PHYSICAL SWORD (2Chron 19:11) between the Church and the State: 

1. the *Christian Church* (ruled with the *regenerating Word* and spiritual grace for godly PURITY through justification, pardon, persuasion and ministration to deliver from INIQUITY, and for ecclesiastical communion, and mission Act 6:3-4), where *pardon is enjoined towards enemies and vengeance against evil is forbidden* so that none is condemned and all are enjoined to live in holiness and righteousness (Rom 12:14-21). 
*Ecclesiastical authority* is meant to be occupied by qualified Church members (believers only) *to guarantee spiritual safety of members;*  


2. the *pluralistic State* (ruled with the *restraining Sword* and temporal law for orderly POLITY through justice and reprimand, policy promulgation and enforcement to discipline and defend against INEQUITY, and for territorial citizenship and dominion Rom 13:4-6; 1Pet 2:13-17), where *punishment, vengeance and wrath against evil and misdemeanor are ordained* as the just duties of respected and remunerated officials to ensure there is no offence whether criminal or tort and all are ordered to live peaceably in harmony (Rom 13:1-7; 1Tim 2:1-3). 
*Civil authority* is meant to be occupied by full citizens (believers and unbelievers alike) *to guarantee social safety of citizens.* 

Christians in civil authority should *distinguish these two* and carry out appropriate duties righteously and strategically, but should neither usurp spiritual authority nor legislate over spiritualities.”

I. U. Ibeme


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